For a trial period from 4th October 2015, and until further notice by the Committee, any members of Ardleigh Sailing Club who have a paid up registered dinghy at Ardleigh Sailing, with an allocated berth in the dinghy park boat, shall be allowed to use a Kayak, Canoe or Windsurfer subject to the following rules.
1. A single Canoe, Kayak or windsurfer may only be stored in the footprint of the dinghy berth, or alternatively such a single craft may be brought to and taken from the club each time it is used.
2. Prior to any use a copy of a valid certificate of insurance to cover at least £500,000 of third party damages must be sent to the Membership Secretary with details of the craft, its storage and when it is expected to be used. This can be done electronically with the copy of the certificate attached.
3. Please note that it is the responsibility of the club member to ensure that the craft is used in a safe manner at all times and note that Ardleigh Sailing Club will take no responsibility for the use of, storage of, damage to and damage from the craft.
4. Personal buoyancy shall be worn at all times.
5. In addition to the above the use of such craft shall include all those rules that apply to sailing boats at Ardleigh sailing Club, noting especially that there shall be no landing except in front of the clubhouse unless in an emergency.
6. Please keep well clear of all fishing activities, whether fishing from a boat or on land.
7. Please also note that these craft on racing days must:
Happy paddling to all!
John Thompson Vice Commodore