Within this area is information about how to join Ardleigh Sailing Club (ASC), the Membership options available and if you are already a Member, details on how to renew your Membership, change your Membership level, edit your privacy settings, etc. Below is a very brief resume of the various sections available;
Information for potential New Members
We welcome all new Members, be they beginners or experienced sailors, and in all normal situations your application is a formality and you will usually be able to start to use the Club's facilities within a week of your application and you paying the appropriate dues.
Here you work your way through a few screens to provide us with all the basic information needed to administer your Membership of ASC, plus information on the Sailing abilities of you and any family joining with you so that we can understand the make up of the Club, important when we are applying for Grants etc.
Some notes to help you renew your Membership, hopefully with less stress!
This Membership system provides considerable flexibility as to how using information is visible to other Members, and you are able to adjust this yourself using the information contained in this Section. Please note that the 'default' settings err strongly towards privacy, and in any event, no information is available to Non-Members.