As you will have noted when you did (or do) fill in your Membership Profile, there is now provision for quite a lot of information to be held about you and your family, and it is therefore most important that you understand the - quite extensive - degree to which you can control how much of this is visible and to whom.
Basically, the options are extensive, but of course with this comes complexity! When setting the facility up, we have tried to strike a balance as to what we feel most people will find reasonable to display by default, so that it may well be that you don't need to change anything. Certainly, it has been set up so that only Members can see any information at all, i.e. the basic list of Members names, contained in the Members Directory Menu to the left requires you to log-in, in fact the option is not even visible unless you have. So any non-member who strays onto the site, or a prospective New member who is guided to it, can not even see a list of the current members until they have been 'admitted' - well they won't be able to once we have dealt with the initial take on of existing members!
The suppliers of this facility - a Canadian Company called Wild Apricot - have several thousands of Clubs and Groups using their product, and so of course they maintain that they adopt extensive measures to protect the Data held by them from any intrusion, but then they have to say that! The following link will take you to their page on the subject, so that you can judge for yourself. For better or worse, in administering a Club such as this, there is going to have to be some Data held somewhere, and nowadays it will be in Electronic format, so to a degree it becomes the lesser of several evils!After a lot of discussion, it was decided that this - or a similar - facility provided significantly safer storage than could be achieved if the Data was held on an Officer of the Club.