Whilst we all want you to enjoy all the facilities that ASC has to offer, we must not ignore the fact that all water sports carry an obvious risk to both property and person. Part of becoming a member here at ASC carries an obligation for all members to have read and agreed with the following risk statement and declarations
Acknowledgement of risk.
I acknowledge that it is up to me personally to assess whether any event or activity on the water is too difficult for me. I acknowledge that the safety of my craft and her entire management, including insurance, is my sole responsibility and I am satisfied that the craft and any crew are adequate to face the conditions that may arise in the course of the race(s).
I agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) and the sailing instructions. I understand that Ardleigh Sailing Club shall not be held liable, and accepts no responsibility, for any loss, damage, death or personal injury to myself or others or any loss or damage to any boat or equipment howsoever caused as a result of such competition or of any boat taking part in the series.
I declare that I hold a valid class measurement certificate.
Insurance Declaration
I declare that I hold a current and valid certificate of insurance which covers me whilst racing and includes third party liability of at least £2,000,000 (Two Million Pounds GB)